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Trick question or a question asked by someone who doesn't truly understand the issue.

One can say that colorless polished glass or clear plastic has no shadow. Probably the answer your teacher is seeking.

But this is not true. Even glass is not perfectly transparent and casts a small shadow. Perhaps a shadow barely perceptible to the human eye, but it is there.

It is possible to have a luminous solid object emit the exact amount of light to cancel its shadow, but this isn't really having no shadow, is it?

Your teacher will not like this answer.

If we REALLY want to confuse them, we can speak of metamaterials.

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Q: What is a example solid object with no shadow?
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How is a shadow produced?

Shadows are formed when light shines on an opaque (solid) or translucent (partially solid, like a net curtain) object. This object stops the light rays, so a shadow is produced in the shape of the object. For example, if you hold your hand in front of a light, then the light will only be seen in the places where your hand is not blocking it. You will then see a hand shaped shadow.

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Shadows can only form when there is light present. A shadow is the result of a solid object blocking visible light. As a mirror is a solid object it can indeed produce a shadow, but nothing can form a shadow in the dark, there must first exist a light source.

Can a solid object cast a shadow?

Yes, as long as it is in the right position of a light, it will reflect a shadow. Even if it is glass it will show a light shade of a shadow :)

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The shadow will fall on the opposite side that the light hit the object. Assuming that the object is a solid object that you cannot see through, there would be no light on the other side, hence causing the shadow.

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A shadow is cast when sunlight is blocked by a solid object - a person, a post, etc.

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The position of the sun relates to the length of the shadow cast by an object because, when the sun is above the object there is no shadow yet, when the sun is say to the east of the object a shadow is cast towards the west, the farther the sun for example east the longer the shadow will be towards the west.

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Because he absorbs or reflects light like any other solid object. Yes that and the fact that everyone and everything will have and always has had a shadow.

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The size of the object casting the shadow..? Thin object = thin shadow Fat object = fat shadow

What is the difference between an object and an image?

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yes of course you need a solid object called an opaq object blocks the sun on one particular spot cuasing a dark figure on the ground

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