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Q: What is a famous dance in Guatemala?
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What dances they do in Guatemala?

The dance they do in Guatemala is called the "Polka".

Do they dance in Guatemala?

yes they dance duhhh

What are some famous monuments in Guatemala?

Tikal is a very famous monument in GUatemala

Do people like to dance in Guatemala?

Probably, yes.

How many famous people are from Guatemala?

Two famous people in Guatemala include Ricardo Arjona and Oscar Isaac. Other famous people from Guatemala include Myrna Mack and Marco Pappa.

What is Guatemala famuos for?

Guatemala is famous for Its Coffee Bananas and Sugar hope this helps

What are the the two famous monuments in Guatemala?

I dont know! Why don't you just meet someone who was born in Guatemala and ask him??

What is the most famous Guatemala animal?

The most famous or well known animal in Guatemala is the national bird. The national bird for this country is the quetzal.

Maharashtra famous dances?

Koli Dance, Lavani Dance and Povadas Dance is a Maharashtra famous Dance.

Famous people in Guatemala?

Rigoberta Menchu

What are some famous Guatemala people?


Who famous is from Guatemala that sings?

Ricardo Arjona!!!