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Q: What is a fancy water pitcher called?
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What is the name of the object used to bless the congregation with holy water?

It is called the aspergillum, a fancy word for sprinkler

What is a sentence using the word fancy?

there is a game called fancy pants

Is the word fancy a noun?

It is sometimes used as a noun, but is more commonly an adjective. Noun example: The fancy called my name. Adjective example: The fancy boy called my name.

What is a fancy boat called?

It's called a yacht.

In domestic pitcher why water get cool?

water in pitcher becomes cool because pitcher has small pores on its surface and the water evaporates from pores by using heat of water. in this way evaporation takes the heat and water in the pitcher becomes cool

What is a blue diamond called?

Blue diamonds are called fancy colored diamonds, and there are several names for the shades of blue, including, from Wikipedia: "Faint, Very Light, Light, Fancy Light, Fancy, Fancy Dark, Fancy Intense, Fancy Deep, Fancy Vivid." Also from Wikipedia, there are 27 different names for colour hues that include bluish colors. You can read more, below.

What are violet diamonds called?

Violet diamonds are usually called diamonds. There may be descriptor words to modify the noun, and can include "...Violetish-Blue, Bluish-Violet, [and] Violet..." and then the intensity of the colour is described in one of nine ways, including " ...Faint, Very Light, Light, Fancy Light, Fancy, Fancy Dark, Fancy Intense, Fancy Deep, Fancy Vivid..."

What are purple and yellow diamonds called?

A purple diamond is probably a pink-purple or red-purple in colour. A yellow diamond may be called a 'canary'. All coloured diamonds are graded by colour and by these nine descriptors, according to Wikipedia: " Faint, Very Light, Light, Fancy Light, Fancy, Fancy Dark, Fancy Intense, Fancy Deep, Fancy Vivid."

What are fancy shooting marbles called?


What is a fancy cup called?

A goblet A chalice

What is a lobby in a fancy hotel called?

A lobby

How does pitcher plant get its name?

A pitcher plant is a round plant that contains water for insects to fall into and drown, and after they drown, their bodies sink to the bottom of the plant and they are absorbed into the plant for their nutrients. Pitcher plants live in soil that does not have many minerals in the ground and they have to get what they need from drowned insects. They are called pitcher plants, because, they contain water and look like pitchers, (or jars, containers), which also hold water. They do not have anything to do with Baseball pitching, if that is what you mean by your question.