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Broadband, the most common network data transmission system in use today.

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Q: What is a form of transmission in which signals are modulated as radio frequency analog waves that use different frequency ranges?
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The amount of frequency deviation for a frequency-modulated signal is determined by the?

The signals frequency directly.

What is fmcw radar?

frequency modulated continues radar for detecting the target it generates the signals by continuously.

What Ratio of frequency deviation when Two signals of 2GHz and 4GHz are frequency modulated on same carrier 10 GHz?

No answer is possible as the frequency shift is proportional to the amplitude of the signal at any time. The frequency of the the two input signals is irelevant.

Two signals of 2GHz and 4GHz are frequency modulated on same carrier 10 GHz Find the ratio of frequency deviation if band widths of both are equal?


What is mien by carrier frequency?

High range of frequency that carries the message signals in transmission of data.after receiving the signals, the detector seperate the message and carrier .

How do waves carry signals?

Waves carry signals by varying their amplitude, frequency, or phase to represent information. This modulation of the wave allows it to encode data that can then be decoded at the receiving end of the communication system. This process enables the transmission of information through mediums such as air or cables.

What two properties of EM waves are used to attach info to radio signals?

The only properties of EM waves that you can control are amplitude and frequency. (Wavelength is related to frequency in a simple numerical way.) Amplitude-modulated radio (AM) is what you listen to between 550 and 1700 on your dial, and Frequency-modulated radio (FM) is what you listen to between 88 and 108. There are also slick high-tech methods of attaching one stream of information to the amplitude and different information to the frequency at the same time.

What is purpose of guard band?

Also called a frequency guard band, a narrow frequency band between adjacent channels in multiplexing that is kept unused to prevent the channels from overlapping and causing crosstalk among modulated signals. Guard bands are commonly used in FDM but are also used in any data transmission method that relies on frequencies.

What type of technology is used in DSL?

At the simplest level of explanation: frequency division multiplexing (FDM) with a 3 KHz baseband for telephone audio, a wider modulated carrier band for internet data, and sometimes one or more 6 MHz modulated carrier bands for TV station signals. The exact technical and electronic design details are somewhat different in different versions of DSL.

What is an AM transmitter?

Aplitude ModulationAn AM transmitter is a Amplitude Modulated transmitter where the amplitude of the Radio Frequency signal is modulated, usually used in the lower frequency bands where the frequency is to low for Frequency Modulation (FM), it was the first type of modulation used in radio communication FM was developed in the late 1950's and is not sensitive to static interference as AM AnswerAM is Amplitude Modulation that is the RF signals amplitude is modulated with the audio signal. this modulation is done because the audio signal being of low frequency cannot be transmitted to longer distance so the audio signal is amplitude modulated with RF signal and then transmitted into the air

What is a changing electric current that carries information is called a?

I beleive what you are referring to is a modulated signal which can be either amplitude, frequency or phase modulation. As with radio signals carrying information: AM, FM or PM.

How do you use RF carrier waves to transmet large amounts of data?

RF carrier waves are modulated with the data to be transmitted, typically using techniques like amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, or phase modulation. These modulated signals are then transmitted through the RF channel. To transmit large amounts of data, techniques like increasing the carrier frequency bandwidth, using more advanced modulation schemes, and implementing error correction coding can be employed to achieve higher data transmission rates over the RF carrier waves.