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From experience, I was given 30 mg's when I first went to the clinic and really felt it. Most people say 20 mg's is a good starting dose. Before this, I had a 80 mg a day OxyContin habit. Be very careful when starting Methadone as it is VERY dangerous at first. If you take 20 mg and do not feel it, do not take more that day, wait until the next day before increasing your dosage, as Methadone has a very long half-life and is still in your system even if you don't feel it. Many OD's occur from this.

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Q: What is a good amount of methadone for a first time user to ingest to feel an effect from the methadone?
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What is a good amount of methadone for a first time user to ingest to get high?


How does methadone effect anesthesia?

I was the first to go in for surgery (on 90mls of Methadone) & the last to wake up after. I was asleep an extra 4hrs after the last guy to wake who went in as the 4th patient.

Should you take methadone before percocet?

There is no reason you should need to know this unless you are a drug addict and on methadone already. If you are taking methadone, you should not be prescribed percocets. But if you are looking for ways to get higher yes, they work together, just adds to the effects of each other.

What will take methadone out of urine?

Not doing methadone in the first place

Do parenteral drugs skip the first pass effect?

Yes, the first pass effect is the amount of drug lost during digestion

Is impotence a side effect of methadone?

I have read where people have started stuttering after taking some medications. Anything that causes changes in the brain, like a stroke, could cause stuttering. Check the research papers on the web site for The Stuttering Foundation.

What is a normal dosage of methadone for a female who been on it for 2 years?

There is no "normal dose" for a "female on methadone for two years" It depends on the person, and the amount drugs they used prior to taking methadone. I am currently a patient at a methadone clinic, and when I first started I would ask myself "am I taking a normal amount, but my counselor told me not to worry about the # of mg's I am on, but to focus on my recovery. Only you can truly know if the dose you are on is working for you. I can tell you before I started methadone, I was taking Tramadol (which is not very common for methadone patients) sometimes I would take 20 pills a day. sometimes I would take percocet, vicodin, whatever. I've been a patient for 6 months and I am on 80 mg's of methadone per day. Good luck with your recovery!

How long does methadone take to work if snorted?

The same as if you take it orally. First off, your making a HUGE mistake if you nasally ingest a methadone pill. It will burn the crap out of your nose and it will expand and clog your nose making your lose a lot of the medication. If you put a methadone pill in water you will see that it expands to almost double or triple its original size when it hits any moisture. But the most significant point (if those are not enough for you) is that it makes no difference at all. Methadone is not like other quick acting opiates. Methadone is a slow acting, long lasting medication. It does not absorb quickly into your bloodstream like other opiate pills. So basically, it is a complete waste of time and your nose's health.

If you ingest a large amount of rubbing alcohol what are the chances of death?

If you don't throw it up first, they're fairly high. More likely than not, however, you will throw it up and have a nasty and painful recovery.

I'm on 50mg of methadone for a month how long will it take for suboxone to work?

Will first you need to get off methadone or be on at least 5mg. And then the doctor can put you on suboxone.

What can you do so methadone does not show up in your urine?

Not take it in the first place.

If you take methadone will you be able to get high on herion?

Yes, methadone is an opiate blocker and will block the effects of heroine.----------------------------------ImprovementMethadone does not contain an opiate blocker at all. It has a cross-tolerance with opioids, and higher doses of methadone can reduce the high: but from first hand experience I can tell you categorically that methadone does not totally block the high you get from taking heroin.