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all gun control accomplishes is keeping guns out of the hands of criminals that try to buy a gun legally, but almost ALL criminals don't buy guns legally they get them from other criminals, illegally. it is impossible to keep guns out of the hands of criminals because a criminal does what a criminal does best, break the law and get them illegally (Black Market), and since they don't follow the laws making more of them only hinders law abiding people not the criminals, they will still get any type of gun they want because the all mighty dollar is king. Even if we outlawed all guns the criminals will still have them they would smuggle them into the country just like drugs. The only thing that would accomplish would be law abiding people would be defenceless and the criminals would rule , and yes they take the cops guns from them too when they outlaw all guns, look at England . So i see it like this keep the gun laws we have now and inforce them don't wast my tax dollars to make more laws that only hurt me

When guns are outlawed, the only people will have guns are the criminals.

and when seconds count, the police are only minutes away

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Q: What is a good conclusion on Gun Control?
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They have gun laws. Whether they actually have the words "gun control" within any of their firearms legislature, I don't know, but they do have gun control.