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A good diet is one with a little fruit and veggies and some meat with a little dairy like a yogurt and some water would be a great good crash diet for both young and older people.

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Q: What is a good crash diet to go on?
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Related questions

What does the crash diet do for me?

Crash dieting can help you lose weight quickly if you have an upcoming event you need to look good for. Most crash diets work, if you follow a plan; however, there are some negative effects on your body. For more information on the effects on your body, go to this website: For types of crash dieting go here:

What is an easy crash diet?

The grapefruit diet.

does the celiac disease diet work?

The Celiac Disease Diet as well as any other fad/trend/crash diet are not a good idea unless advised by your doctor. Your best bet would be to skip the fad/trend/crash diets and slowly lose weight with proper diet and exercise.

Should you do the crash diet or the healthy diet?

You should never should change your lifestyle. There is no need to crash the diet if you want to lose your weight without any problem .

Is crash diet bad?


When a person uses the term "crash diet", to what type of diet are they referring?

A "crash diet" refers to sudden, unsustainable changes in diet intended to produce quick results. These results are often reversed as soon as the diet is stopped, and sometimes dieters even wind up weighing more a few weeks later than they did before a crash diet.

How strong can someone really be?

Depends on the genetic structure of the individual. The muscle can only build so much. Good training ethic is key and same with diet no crash diet!

Is going on a crash diet bad for you?

Going on a crash diet can be very bad for you, it can cause you to faint, feel ill or even pass out and go to the hospital. This means it's possible to rack up a huge medical bill just to loose a few pounds.

Is a Crash Diet Worth It?

Many people think that crash diets can help them lose weight but sometimes that is not the case. Crash diets are not an effective method of losing weight and keeping it off. With an crash diet, individuals deprive themselves of basic nutrition by restricting caloric intake. While a crash diet can be helpful in losing weight quickly for a specific event, it can be detrimental to your body later on. However, there are many doctors that can approve the use of crash diets. A doctor can help you determine if a crash diet can help you lose weight.

What are good diet meals to go on?

go on the air diet you can eat as much as you want and not gain anything

How do you start to become anorexic?

you ethier go on a crash course diet.. or make yourself sick all the time. i do not recommend it.

What are the advantages of a crash diet?

no particular advantage...