

What is a good diet for a depressed person?

Updated: 9/16/2019
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9y ago

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There are multiple websites that can help you find a diet for someone with depression. Some of these websites are:,, and All three sites offer great diet ideas for people with depression.

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Q: What is a good diet for a depressed person?
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I do not know if there is a specific diet for depressed people. you should try looking up the internet or go to the doctor. try some stuff that will get you information.

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The best way to go on a successful diet is by using Weight Watchers Online. Many diets do not work because of rebound. They may become depressed and starved, and after the diet is done, it is very easy to regain the weight you had lost. Weight Watchers will track you progress and teach you good, healthy yet satisfying diet. It is the most recommended program for weight loss.

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Diet and depression can sometimes be linked. Obesity in turn can cause depression. Chocolate and relieve stress and depression too, but that wont work if you are depressed from being over weight.

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By comforting the person

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If what a depressed person does is quantifiable and observable, and it is, then that which is quantifiable and observable is a behavior. If a person is depressing, that is, acting depressed, the behaviors manifested are subject to being changed. If you are not acting depressed, are you depressed? How would we know?

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The best diet for a person with high blood pressure is a diet which is low in sodium. You should also be avoiding foods that are high in saturated fats.

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There is definitely a link between the things you eat, and the way you feel. You can get depressed by eating the wrong foods.���foods-cure-depression.html

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The person could be depressed.