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So you can retire rather than work until you die. Other reasons I invest: a dreamhouse, a vacation, travel, living a good life and experiencing the world.

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Q: What is a good motivation for investing your money?
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What are some tips on investing money?

One good tip on investing money is to pay off all of your debts before investing money. You want to be debt-free as soon as possible. Another good tip is take advantage of matching funds in your 401K.

What are some good investing tips?

Good investing tips can vary. One of the biggest investing tips, is to only invest money you can afford to lose. Another one would be to know when to pull out of an investment.

Are ING variable annuities good for long term investing?

I think for long term investing you want to find nonvariable investments to put your money in.

Is it wise to put my money into online stock?

Online investing is a good way to save for future. It is not for everyone and can hurt financially if one doesn't know what they are doing or investing in.

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A positive risk is something that you do that is dangerous but has a good potential outcome. An example is investing money.

Is there a website the helps with investing money?

Investopedia is a good site for learning the basics of investing. After that i would go to google finance or yahoo finance to learn about the trends in stocks. If you have a large amount of money I would suggest using a stockbroker.

How will investing money benefit me?

Investing money will help you by allowing you to put your money into a stock and then you'll make money as it rises. You should always invest when the market is low.

Is stock market investing 101 a good class to take?

Stock market investing 101 is a good class to take because the stoke market is an easy and fun way to make money. Also, if you are interested in investing, this class will intoduce you to the fundamentals needed to successfully invest in the stock market.

What is the best way of investing money?

There is probably no one best way to invest money, but there are several ways that may be good. Investing in the stock of a company that you think will be performing well in the future is one method. Another is to put money in a mutual fund that, in turn, invests in the stocks and bonds of several different companies. It would be good to learn some of the basics of investing and understanding concepts like risk vs. return before actually committing any money to an investment.

What is social responsible investing?

Socially responsible investing is when you look to make money, yet with the good of a community, the world, or the environment in mind. It is to invest where you are also able to do some good.

What are all the Options I have for Investing money?

One of the best options for investing money is to start a Roth IRA. This allows your after tax money to grow tax free.

What is the definition of investing?

To invest is to contribute money to make money.