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Q: What is a good pronoun for freight?
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Related questions

What are the pronouns in this sentence I am a good student?

The pronoun in this sentence is "I," which refers to the speaker or writer.

Where can one apply for a good freight management?

You can apply for a good freight management position with reputable freight management companies. They often post job openings on their websites, job search platforms, or through recruitment agencies specializing in logistics and supply chain roles.

What is a good name for an express freight company?

Dash it!

What is good about shaffer trucking?

They're a good company, they actually do have some regard for their drivers, they pull refrigerated trailers (refrigerated freight is the most recession-proof freight of them all).

What is the pronoun in this sentence - He is a very good sportsman?

The pronoun in the sentence is he.The pronoun 'he' is taking the place of the name of the person spoken about.

What can someone use a freight forwarding service for?

A freight forwarding service is used to ship heavy freight to another location. UPS is a good company to use. You can also search online for a company.

What is a sentence using the word pronoun?

I could really use a good pronoun, here.

What is freight management system?

freight charges is a freight was a freight it is a freight charges.after it is a freight charges.before it was a freight charges.tomorrow it will be a freight after tomorrow it is freight charges..yesterday also it was a freight charges.finally it is called freight charges.

What is the pronoun of integrity?

The pronoun that takes the place of the noun integrity is 'it'. Example:Integrity is a virtue, it is a good thing to have. Do you have it?

What are the classes of freight?

There are several types of freight as below: Advance freight Lump freight Freight pro rata Part delivery Back freight

Is it a subject pronoun or an object pronoun?

The pronoun it can be used as the subject or the object of a sentence or clause; for example:This is my new car, I bought it yesterday. It was a very good deal.

Is which appropriate pronoun?

"Which" is a relative pronoun used to introduce clauses that provide additional information about a noun in a sentence. It is appropriate to use "which" when referring to a specific thing or things within the context of the sentence.