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The electoral college was devised in response to the political realities of the late 18th century; in the 21st century it seems to be anachronistic.

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Q: What is a good sentence using the word Electoral college?
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Continue Learning about American Government

What is responsible for choosing the President and Vice-President?

Many People ,but mostly the citizens. good question.

What is a good sentence using the republican government?

The republican government has many flaws.

What is the good and bad about the Electoral college?

One of the best things about the Electoral College is that it ensures each State still maintains a bit of sovereignty from the Federal Government. EAch State can still decide how its votes are tallied and how they are allocated but once again this comes back to whichever system that particular State decides to use. What's bad about it? It means the President is not directly elected by the People but a group of (sometimes) unelected officials who go on to elect the President.

Why is the president elected rather than appointed by congress?

The Founding Fathers were afraid of "mobocracy" and were more conservative. They wanted to make sure that the majority of uneducated people wouldn't always necessarily rule. Even senators were originally elected by the House of Representatives in the early days.

How does each state elect who is to vote for president and vice-president?

The Electoral College choose the president and vice-president is by: First they have to choose a citizen that is born in the United States for instance. And the person that want to run to be the President have to be smart and have to be responsible. The 2 sens have to be born in the USA and have to do something good for the community or state. Then the people there have to vote for which one they choose to pick and which they thought is going to be a well-done president. After that the electoral college have to count it up by using a machine, and see how many votes each sen got. After totaling them up, they are going to see who win the Presidential-Debate thing. And you should watch the Presidential Debates either in || or || you can see how and what they are going to do with the country if they become the president and the vice-president.

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How is electoral college a good thing?

because its bomb !

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How does the electoral college reduce people incentive to vote?

good day

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A good sentence using word accommdation si a complet sentence that is clear and consice with no speling erors. A.K.A: not the one above