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This aeroplane has crossed the Atlantic Ocean many times.

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Q: What is a good sentence with aeroplane?
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What is a good sentence for airplane?

i traveled by aeroplane

How do you use the word aeroplane in a sentence?

"i would like to retern this toy aeroplane that i bought from this shop yesterday".

What is the preposition in the sentence -The airplane flew the sky?

There is no preposition in that sentence. The aeroplane flew in the sky. 'In' is a preposition in this sentence

What is the part of speech of 'thrilling' in the sentence - a flight in an aeroplane is very thrilling?

'Thrilling' is an adjective because it describes the aeroplane ride.

Can you give me the a sentence for boarded?

They boarded the aeroplane at five o'clock in the evening.

Can you give me a sentence for board?

They boarded the aeroplane at five o'clock in the evening.

What are some sentences that only contain one word?

No such thing in the English Language. A sentence must contain a subject , verb and object. e.g. I saw the aeroplane. 'I' is the subject 'Saw' is the verb (past tense of 'to see'. 'The Aeroplane' is the object. If the sentence does not contain these components then it is not a sentence. NB Saying 'bye' or 'goodbye' on parting is NOT a sentence, but a simple statement.

Is aeroplane an automobile?

NO, an aeroplane is not an automobile.

Where does aeroplane is kept?

If you mean what is an aeroplane kept in then it is kept in hanger but where does aeroplane is kept does not make sense

What is the abbreviation for aeroplane?

The abbreviation for aeroplane is aero. It is quite easy and how to remember it is to thing of Aero chocolate or eat it so you remember! LOL! :)

What is the biggest aeroplane?

The aeroplane has not been invented yet.

What gas does a aeroplane use?

its an airplane stupid not an aeroplane