

What is a good temperature for a fantail goldfish tank?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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between 60 and 80 degrees

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Q: What is a good temperature for a fantail goldfish tank?
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What kind of goldfish should you get for your fantail goldfish?

Fantail goldfish are a hardy breed, strong swimmers and they compete well for food with the ryukin, shubunkin, comet or common goldfish; making these goldfish breeds good tank mates for your fantail goldfish.

My fantail Goldfish has been alone in good size tank now for one year I put a common Goldfish into the tank just yesterday and the fantail seems to be 'bullying' the common Goldfish What is happening?

The fantail goldfish is asserting it's dominance over the common goldfish. The fantail goldfish has already established in its mind that the whole tank is its territory and will fight any other fish that try to change that. This is normal when adding new fish to an established tank and they will usually continue to fight for a couple more days. During this time make sure to give the fish plenty of food to eat and some place for the common goldfish to hide. If they do not stop fighting after several days than I would recommend moving the common goldfish to its own separate tank of at least 20 gallons. Another reason (though not as likely) is that the common goldfish is a female and the fantail is a male. A male may chase a females rear- this is normal but if he harrasses her- remove her immediately.

Can an oranda goldfish live in same tank with regular goldfish?

Yes, but your tank size needs to support it. If you mean that a regular goldfish is a long single-tail goldfish, then you need at least a 40 gallon tank just for the 2 fish due to the size potential of the common goldfish. If you mean a regular goldfish as in a round bodied fantail, or perhaps a ryukin, then you need at least a 30 gallon tank for the 2 fish.

What are fantails?

The fantail goldfish is a good choice for beginners since they are very hardy and due to the fact that Fantail goldfish can be kept in temperatures close to the freezing point. Fantail goldfish are also an ideal choice if you want to keep some type of fancy goldfish in garden ponds due to the earlier mentioned reasons. Fantail Goldfish are recognized by their medium sized double/split tail fins. You can judge the breeding quality of a Fantail goldfish by looking at how far their fins are split. The tailfin of a high quality Fantail goldfish is almost completely split down to the root. You can find Fantail goldfish in a number of different coloration and with metallic, matt scale or nacreous types. Fantail goldfish doesn't grow as large as many other gold fish types and seldom reach a size of more then 16 cm / 6 inches which is small in comparison with other goldfish types such as comets goldfish that can reach over twice that length. They are best kept in cold water and a fantail goldfish aquarium tank or garden pond should be decorated with open areas for the fish to swim on as well as heavily planted areas. The bottom should be covered with a large grained substrate if you want to give any eggs that might be laid a small chance to survive with their parents. (Which is better then no chance) The fact that Fantail goldfish wants to be kept in cold water narrows down the number of (in the aquarium trade commonly available) plants that are suitable to be used in an aquarium with Fantail Goldfish. Pond plants and aquatic plants found in garden centres are often better choices. There is however a number of commonly available plants that are suitable to be kept in an aquarium tank with Fantail goldfish such as Crinum, Elodea (Egeria) and Anubias species. Java moss is another suitable plant to be used that also help give fry a chance to survive in your garden pond without extra help. Fantail goldfish should never be kept alone and always in groups. Fantail Goldfish accept most food sources and can without problem be kept on a diet of flake food and pellets as long as you make sure that the food you use contains vegetables. It is important to adjust the amount of food given to the temperature in the aquarium/pond at any given time. Fantail Goldfish is one of the easiest of the fancy goldfishes to breed. Make sure that you keep your fish well feed on a varied diet to get them in spawning condition. You will also need to lower the temperature in the pond or aquarium for a period of time to simulate seasons to get them to breed. Once the fishes have been kept in colder water for about a month or so you should slowly begin to raise the temperature and this process will trigger well feed, mature Fantail goldfish to spawn. You will have to protect the egg and fry from the parents or the parents will eat them if they get the chance. Some fry might survive and grow up in a well planted pond or aquarium. Large balls of java moss increase the chances for the young Fantail goldfish to avoid being eaten by other larger goldfish. Fantail goldfish can in other aspects be treated as the regular goldfish and we recommend that you read our articles about how to care for regular goldfish if this short article didn't answer your questions about Fantail goldfish and how to care for them.

What does it mean when your goldfish are at the bottom of the tank?

My Fantail Goldfish did that alot the first time I got him. I think it might be that they need to relax or they might be scared.

You have a fantail goldfish and it has been alone in a tank for 6 weeks you added another fantail today and the new one is attacking the old one Is this normal?

The only time I know of when goldfish become territorial and attack other fish is when they are overcrowded and are struggling for life itself. Is your tank big enough for 2 goldfish? The basic rule/calculation for keeping fish is "1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water". A goldfish commonly grows to 10 inches or more so the minimum sized tank you NEED for 2 goldfish is a (Nominal) 25 gallon tank in order to have an (Actual) 20 gallons of water.

If a fantail goldfish is at the bottom of the tank laying side ways what does it mean And opening its mouth for air?

It cold be time to get a new fish. I'm sorry for your loss

Goldfish tank 1 point 5 gall the water is 74 Fahrenheit what can you do to make it colder for your goldfish?

Actually, I think that temperature is about right for your goldfish. But if you seriously need to, you need to change the temperature of the air around the tank. I suggest keeping it in a cooler room?

Your small goldfish tank has cracked and is leaking water you have bought a new 35ltr tank for your black Moore and fantail How do you safely do an immediate transfer to the new unestablished tank?

There are products you can get from pet shops that will help. Go in and tell them what's happened and they can assist you.

Can you put tropical fish in tank with goldfish?

No goldfish would prefer to have a lower temperature than any type of tropical fish, however some goldfish can withstand higher temperature if they are slowly acclimated to it! But in the long run goldfish would be happy with other goldfish and tropical fish with tropical fish... there is a reason you don't see the goldfish with the tropical fish in a good aquatic store.

Can goldfish live with yabbies in a tank?

err not a good idear yabbies will eat a goldfish

Tankmates for fancy goldfish?

The best and only good tank mate for fancy goldfish, are other fancy goldfish.