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The purpose of the essay is

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Q: What is a good word to start off a essay?
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Words you can start another paragraph with?

you would start off with also,the title of your story,essay or whatever you are talking about and NEVER NEVER NEVER start a paragraph with the word AND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How does one start off a satirical essay?

with a truth.

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How do you start of and essay and finish it?

You need to start an essay if it non fiction with a statement of purpose. The purpose of this paper is________________. Tell your reader right off what they will learn and read.

How do you start a essay off about your favorite artist?

You start like... - My favorite artist is _______ becuase ________________. that is the starter sentence

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umm.. u could start of with Firstly

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You can start off by saying normally, or by introducing yourself or even saying last week end i ate...

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Intriguing ways to start an essay Share a shocking or amusing fact. Ask a question. Dramatize a scene. Kick it off with a quote. State your thesis directly. Pick the right tone for your essay. When you're stuck, work backwards.

How should my friend start his essay on machine operator?

Your friend should start his essay on machine operator by saying what he is going to do when he is a machine operator.Or start it off by saying that he was looking for a job and he found one:being a machine operator.

Hope your week is off to a good start?

your week is off to a good start

How should you start an essay for if you president?

Start off with a show don't tell intro. It will really get it going. Or ask a question.