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Q: What is a government controlled by one political group which suppresses all opposition and controls it's citizens?
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What is a government that is controlled by one political group that suppresses all opposition and controls many aspects of its citizens called?


What is a government controlled by one political group which suppresses all opposition and controls many aspects of its citizens called?

This type of government is called a dictatorship. In a dictatorship, power is concentrated in the hands of one leader or political group, who often maintain control through suppression of opposition and tight regulation over various aspects of society.

What would you call a government controlled by one political group which suppresses all opposition and controls many aspects of its citizens?


What is a regime controlled by one political group which suppresses all opposition and controls many aspects of its citizens lives?


What Government controls by one political group which suppresses all opposition and controls many aspects of its citizens?


What do you call A government controlled by one political group which suppresses all opposition and controls many aspects of it's citizens?

A dictatorship has a one party system and suppresses its people. It also tries to control every part of their lives.

What is a political system where the government suppresses all opposition?

Any political system might do so. Any specific example which does is described as "censored", "tyrannical" or "oppressive".

Who is a government controlled by one political group which suppresses all opinion and controls many aspects of it's citizens?

A tyranny

A government controlled by one political group which supresses all opposition and controls many aspects of its citizens?


A government controlled by one political party which suppresses all opposition and controls many aspects of its citizens?

This is the text book definition of an authoritarian government Depending on its goals, it could either be based on fear (AKA, right wing) and therefor be fascist, or it could be based on hope (AKA, left wing) and be communist.

What government is controlled by one political group which suppresses all opposition and controlled controls many aspects of its citizens?

investto furnish with power, authority, rank, etc.: Theconstitution invests the president with the power of furnish or endow with a power, right, etc.; vest:Feudalism invested the lords with absolute authority over theirvassals.

What government usually suppress political opposition?

Oligarchies suppress political opposition, as do dictatorships.