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Q: What is a government ruled by three people?
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What is the name of the government ruled by the people for the people?

A government ruled by a small group of people is an oligarchy.

What is the name for a government ruled by a small group of people?

A government ruled by a small group of people is an oligarchy.

Who is ruled by the people?

the government

People in a territory ruled by a government?

People in a territory ruled by a government

Is the government ruled by the people?


What kind of government is democracy?

democracy is a government ruled by the people.

What three types of government doed Aristotle identify How they differ?

Aristotle defined three types of government:1. Monarch: a government ruled by a single person usually a king or queen.2. Aristocracy/Oligarchy: a government ruled by a small amount of people. (Aristotle was against an Aristocracy because to be a leader you must be wealthy)3.Democracy: governed by many people. Citizens vote for a leader.

Is a unitary government ruled buy one person?

no it is ruled by 20 people

What is comunisum?

comunisum is when a country is ruled by the government and the people give there money to the government and the government takes care of its people

What is the type of government ruled by people or those they elect?

It is known as a limited government.


a large territory in which several groups of people are ruled by a single leader or government

What is a group of people settled in a distant land and ruled by the government of their native land?

A colony is a group of people settled in a distant land and ruled by the government of th