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a hail

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Q: What is a group of bullets called?
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What is a group of bullets?

Bullets identify new procedures and services added to CPT.

Is a group of bullets called?

a hail

What is a heirarchy of bullets and sub-bullets called in PowerPoint?

It can be called as a list where bullets are the numbers. You can also insert other symbols other than bullets.

What are riot controlled bullets called?

Rubber Bullets= Baton rounds

What are fake bullets called?


What is it called when bullets bounce are reflected off the wall?

Its called richochet

What kind of ammo did norway shooter use?

He used a special kind of ammo called expanding bullets that is illegal in most countries. They're also called dumdum bullets. When dumdum bullets hit the target they expand inside the target, in this case inside the body, causing much more damage than normal bullets.

What is that vest that carries bullets called?

that would be an amo vest

What fish hunts with water bullets?

its called an Archer fish

This group v metalloid is quite versatile from tracer bullets to fireproofing to infrared detection?


What is the name of the study of bullets and how they are fired?

There is no such thing as the "study of bullets", except, perhaps, as a historian. However, one may study the effectsof bullets using "ballistics", and a person who does so for a living would be called a "ballistics expert"; someone who is trained to do such at a crime scene or laboratory may also be called a "forensics specialist", but the word "forensics" has nothing to do with bullets.

How do you make the appearance for the bullets on Microsoft PowerPoint?

Bullets are one of the options on Home tab, in the Paragraph group. You can click on the icon to show additional options for the bullets, including choosing different ones or choosing their size and colour. You can also get this option from shortcuts that come up when you right click on text that has been bulleted.