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well, one hazard would be fires. with earthquakes, come broken underground pipes, such as water, and gas.

Another hazard is weak structures like buildings DO NOT GO INTO A BUILDING DURING AN EARTHQUAKE! IT CAN FALL!

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Q: What is a hazard that sometimes happens in a city after an earthquake?
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The earthquake in Tokyo occured because, Tokyo lies on three tectonic plates. When those plates come together, seperate, or slide past each other an earthquake happens. However, Tokyo is also a city in a major fault zone!

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The "1985 Mexico City earthquake"

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Depends on the strength of the Earthquake, the distance between the center of the quake and the city, the kind of soil the city is built on and how well the city is built.

How is fire an earthquake hazard?

Earthquakes often cause gaslines to burst and electricity cables to fall. These (and the usual dropped candles, damaged heaters and simple arson) can result in fires that will cause massive further damage to any stricken area if they are not controlled e.g. parts of the city after the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906.

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The 1985 earthquake caused significant damage to Mexico City, Mexico.

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Try "Great Hanshin Earthquake"

Why may an earthquake cause more damage in one location than another?

If the earthquake happens in a deserted area then there is very little damage. Roads and electricity cables might be damaged. An earthquake in a city, however, will damage a lot of buildings and many people are likely to die or be trapped in the rubble.