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There are alot of ways to lower blood pressure and cholesterol.You should eat healthy like apples, lettuce, drinking water, eating Oranges, and exercising everyday.

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Q: What is a healthy diet that will help lower my blood pressure and my cholesterol?
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No actually one of the products is proven to lower things like blood pressure and cholesterol :)

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Believe it or not, honey nut cheerios are a great cereal.They have been proven to be able your blood pressure. This cereal can also lower your cholesterol levels in your blood.

What is the most effective diet to lower blood pressure?

The best diet to lower blood pressure is to eat food such as honey nut cheerios its good and healthy. Another food is Oatmeal Squares its healthy and delicious.

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Can low cholesterol diets help lower blood pressure?

It can, but not without consistency. Cholesterol in small doses is actually good for the body, its when its excessive that you need to watch it. However by alleviating excess cholesterol the body isnt as taxed to get rid of it, so in short yes, it can reduce blood pressure.

Is pickle juice good for you with high cholesterol?

yes, pickles lower blood pressure. if you have high blood pressure consider eating pickles(in moderation!) if you have low blood pressure pickles will make it worse.

Does giving blood lower cholesterol?

No is the simple answer. Cholesterol is for the most part evenly distributed in the blood and therefore when donating blood you take cholesterol with the blood. Your body will have a lower MASS of cholesterol but the CONCENTRATION of cholesterol has not changed, which is what is important for you I presume. However, when giving blood they encourage no fatty meals or food 24 hours before to avoid high levels of fats and cholesterol in the blood, which means you shouldn't e giving blood if you have high cholesterol.

Are there recipe sites of healthy foods that help lower cholesterol?

Healthy cholesterol is vital to our health. On these websites are lists of foods to help lower your cholesterol.

How does drinking wine affect cholesterol levels?

Assuming you mean Why, alchohol dialates the blood vessles, relieving pressure that could be cause by high colesteral.If you do mean what, it doesn't realy matter, it all has the same effect.

What is one healthy benefit of cheerios?

Cheerios lower your Cholesterol. That is the one healthy benefit of Cheerios.

Is there certain vitamins for my type of blood?

You should eat lots of fruit and vegetables. They are high in vitamins. Celery is really healthy with lots of benefits. Celery is proven to lower blood cholesterol.

What super food helps lower your blood pressure?

Low sodium foods are the best for lowering blood pressure. Fruits and vegetables are very healthy options for healthy eating along with leans meats and organic foods.