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it is an assertion of something that is a fact

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Q: What is a historical claim?
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Is a historical claim?

it is an assertion of something that is a fact

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Which is necessary to validate a claim about an event in history?

Corroborated sources of historical evidence. (APEX) !/

Can a historian determine whether or not a claim is valid?

Check to see that it is supported by historical evidence.

What statement about historical claims is correct?

A good claim is supported by many pieces of reliable evidence.

What describes a historical argument?

A historical argument presents a claim based on evidence from historical sources and research. It aims to explain and interpret past events, often analyzing the causes and consequences of historical events or developments. Effective historical arguments are supported by strong evidence and critical analysis.

What are the three tests used to evaluate documents that claim to be historical?

The "Internal test", the "external test", and the "bibliographic test".

What land did nation claim?

The nation claimed the land previously inhabited or controlled by another group or nation for purposes of asserting sovereignty or ownership over that territory. This claim is often made through historical, legal, or political justifications.

Where is amexem?

Amexem is one of the many fictional names of the land mass that includes North, Central, and South America, as well as surrounding islands. This name is used by fake "Moors" to try and claim they were the first inhabitants of the Americas. There is no historical evidence to support this claim

What do historians intend to do when they make a claim?

Historians intend to support their claims with evidence from historical sources, such as documents, artifacts, and other records. They aim to provide a well-reasoned interpretation of the past based on the available evidence. Their goal is to construct an accurate and reliable account of historical events and developments.

Is obama a descendant of king Solomon?

There is no direct evidence or historical documentation to support the claim that Barack Obama is a descendant of King Solomon. Genealogical connections to historical figures are difficult to establish, especially over such long periods of time. Additionally, tracing ancestry back thousands of years is challenging due to limited and fragmented historical records.

What has the author Henry W Aldred written?

Henry W. Aldred has written: 'A short historical account of the claim of the customary heirs of Ann English to copyholds of the Manor of Canonbury, Islington'