

What is a horse restrain called?

Updated: 11/16/2022
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12y ago

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There are several ways to restrain a horse. You can use a rope tied around its neck and to something else. You can also use a rope tied around the horse's head (a halter) a leather device designed to fit over the horse's head with a ring to clip a rope to tie the horse up (headcollar) or a full bridle, but it is not recommended to tie a horse up using its reins because if it panics and pulls, it can knock out its own teeth.

You can also use hobbles, ie. tying one of the horse's feet to an object, or tying the horse's feet together.

Another type of horse restraint is called a twitch. The twitch causes a dull pain that the horse will concentrate on while an unpleasant task is being performed, and it keeps the horse stlll. Such as shaving the whiskers and bridle path, trimming the hooves, floating the teeth, or other things the horse doesnt like but the safety of the people doing it is important. It is usually a sturdy stick about 40 cm long with a loop of rope at one end. Place your hand through the loop and grab the horse's top lip. Pull the rope over your hand onto the lip, and twist the stick until the twitch is tight onto the lip. Tighten more as you need to control the horse more. When the unpleasant task is complete, you may release the twitch by unwinding it.

Another simple type of twitch is the string twitch, and can be made of a piece of baler twine from a straw or hay bale. Make a loop knot at one end of the string that cannot loosen or tighten, overhand knot works. It is strung over the horses head behind the ears, down both sides, into the mouth between the upper lip and gums, and tied on the left or near side by slipping the loose end of the string through the looped knot, and pull it tight, twisting it tighter if needed to control the horse more.

Both types of twitches do not injure the horse, just make it concentrate on the twitch instead of the necessary thing to be done, usually by a veterinarian or farrier.

Another form of restraint on a horse is the cotton rope, which is quite thick in diameter and very long. The braided rope has had a loop braided into one end of it. It is looped around the horse's neck and the loose end threaded through. Then the front leg, or hind leg on the side you want to work on is lifted up as high as it will go, and the rope is wrapped twice around the pastern, and then looped into the neck loop, and with a quick release knot, tied at the neck. This restraint is used if you are trying to saddle the horse and are working alone and the horse won't stand still(tries to buck or rear or run away). The horse will be on three legs, and likely try to struggle, so keep a neck rope on the neck near the head so that you can catch the horse, because it can actually travel pretty far and fast. Let it hop around until it realizes that you are the master and you will decide when it can move. (Might work up sweat). You can also work on sacking the horse, which is a good idea if you plan to use a saddle blanket or a rug, which can frighten a spooky horse. You may need to do this method for a few days or even weeks, but you will be calming the horse, not scaring it. This rope makes for great training of wild horses that must be harnessed or saddled, and does not injure them.

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