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The horse is what you call "herd bound" horses that don't like to leave the barn are called "barn sour". You can cure a horse of either of these by whenever they make a fuss, go to the place they don't want to leave, then make them work harder there than they were before they were troublesome. Pretty soon they will get the idea that it is more fun to go some where than to work hard at home.

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Q: What is a horse that refuses to leave a group of other horses?
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if you trust the horse or pony. i have no fear in standing behind the horses that i ride in my yard. however, it is better to be safe than sorry and always leave at least a horses leg's-worth of space between you and a horses rear

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When a horse gets separted from the herd dose the horse get angry?

It all depends on the horse's nature, whether or not it likes the other horse(s), whether it knows if it's going to be worked or not, how long it has been there (in the paddock, stable, etc) and if it is at the top, in the middle or at the bottom of the pecking order. If the horse is at the bottom of the pecking order it will probably be glad to get away from the other horses as he or she may feel threatened by them. However if they are at the top, the horse (if he/she has a violent nature) will probably be angry to leave as it's herd members may think it is stepping down and they will try to replace him or her. You shouldn't leave a horse in the one environment to long. Chances are, if it has been in there too long it will either not want to leave because it's attached or will be really bored and wanting to leave desperately. Also If the horse thinks it is being worked it may be angry to leave the herd. If the Horse likes The other horses it will probably want to stay whereas if it hates them it will want to leave. But If it gets Angry or not depends on its nature. If the horse Is vicious it might attack u and be angry. But if it's gentle it might just stand still a bit or be a bit sad. The same kind of things with other horses but no 2 horses have the same personality so the reaction will be different for every horse.

When giving your horse a lick should you leave it on the floor?

I do! I admit I made an assumption here that we are discussing a block of salt. If you plan on actually licking your horse, you should also leave the horse there when done licking it, although I would not lick most of my horses. They tend to roll in things that are not lickable.

Should you leave a horse with fresh clean water at all times?

Yes! Horses should always have access to fresh, clean water!

Can a horse get very upset if its separated from its herd?

Yes, Because once a horse is introduced to more horses, over a period of time they become "herd bound" which means that it will refuse to leave the other horses. The way to fix this is to take one horse out of the fence at once, walk it around, and let this horse and the other horses get used to being separated, I wouldn't suggest riding the horse right away though because it probably will freak out and hurt you or itself. The best solution is to get the horse and the other horses used to not being around eachother, and after a week or so you can ride, without the horse focusing on getting back to the herd.

Can a horse eat poultry scratch feed?

I don't think it's a good idea. Scratch is made for the digestion of poultry, which is vastly different than the complicated gut of a horse. I'm all for giving my horses treats, but always apples, carrots or horse cookies made for horses. I would advise to leave the scratch to the chickens.

Should you leave your boyfriend because he refuses to work?

Yes, If he is not going to work then leave him!!!