

Best Answer

Thank hues for asking this question. We can't have every question in the limelight. But this discussion doesn't suit my pallet. You see, I could creamyou for asking this question, since it is making me see red. You better be reading, because what I am about to say is pure gold.

This question almost made me dye with laughter. My primary interest is answering questions, but I am afraid I cannot this time. I don't want to be a total maroon and probably should start off with a clean slate.Leaf it to you to ask this question. I think I should have skipped over it, as it wasn't mint for me to answer, apparently.

Azure sitting here reading this, please don't be angry. I was just trying to help, but my answer probably blue you away. If anyone has a more polite or better answer than this, please pick up what I mist. Lilac the ability to answer questions well.

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Q: What is a joke about colors?
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