

What is a lactating cat?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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12y ago

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lactating means that the brests of the female are full of milk for the baby <3

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Q: What is a lactating cat?
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How do you stop a cat from lactating?

A cat will stop lactating when she is no longer nursing her kittens. A cat will know when to stop her kittens from nursing when she is ready.

How do cats get their nipples?

The same way any mammal does -- they simply are there when the cat is born, and they remain there throughout the cat's life. It's hard to see them on a cat that is not lactating, because then they are quite small and covered in fur, but they are definitely present.

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Skin, hair, eyes, ears, vagina, lactating breasts, noses, bones, etc.

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Hi, I would Like To Know if my dog is going to have her pups because she is lactating?

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leaky boobies

Im due in less than 14 days when should I start lactating?

Some are already lactating at this time and some lactates after delivery.

Do Cows Have Milk?

Yes, if they're lactating.