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Quite honestly you can feed them almost anything but a good diet is important if you want to keep your rat or mouse healthy for a long time. Most of the stuff at petstores is pretty bad - poor nutrients and mostly filler.

I am not sure about mice but there is a great diet for rats called Suebee's Rat Diet. You can find it here:

There are also many good lab blocks available by order or at various feedstores. One is the best (imho) is Harlan Tekland, but there are other brands like Mazuri, and Regal Rat that are readliy available at feedstores.

Some people also feed rats dog food with low protein (try to keep the protein under 20% you can find these by looking at Lite formulas) - one good recommendation is Holistique Blendz Adult Dog Food.

Here are some foods to keep your rat away from:


Blue Cheese

Carbonated Drinks

Chocolate - small amounts of Milk Chocolate is okay (such as a chocolate chip)

Dried Corn- fresh corn in small amounts is okay

Dry Beans

Green Bananas

Green Potato Skins and Tubers


Orange Juice - although Oranges are alright as long as there is no peel or rinds.

Raw Sweet Potato

Raw Red Cabbage

Raw Peanuts

I also don't tend to feed my cucumbers, lettuce, or spinach.

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Q: What is a list of food you can feed your pet mouse and your pet rats?
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Feed it! Feed her normal dietary requirements (found in a pet food store) and give her "treats" which would be what she would want to eat if she was rummaging through your cabinets. My rats like goldfish crackers and cinnamon toast crunch most but there's always bread and cheese lol. After a week or so she will come to you for food and as long as she is not a timid mouse she will eventually take it from you and come to you in general.

What kind of food do rats eat?

Lab blocks are the best and most complete staple diet for pet rats. Try to find ones that list soybean meal ad the first ingredient on the ingredients list. Avoid ground corn, its carcinogenic for rats (i.e. a cancer causing agent). Also, avoid buying seed mixed sold as standard rat food in pet stores. These are unhealthy and often low quality. Generally rats will only pick out the best (and least nutritious) bits from it and leave the rest. You should also feed your rats fresh vegetables a few times a week.

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How much food should you give 2 rats if you leave for 3 days?

you should have someone come in and feed them