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Q: What is a magma chamber called after the conduit has solidified and been exposed by erosion?
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What is a volcanic conduit called after the conduit has solidified and been exposed by erosion?

Volcanic neck

When a rock is exposed to weathering or erosion it will form?

If magma is solidified it will form

Why are the large granite dome features of yosemite National Park in California considered to be intrusive volcanic features when they are exposed at the surface?

What would later become the granite domes of Yosemite formed when granitic magma accumulated underground and solidified in place. The area was later uplifted by tectonic forces and erosion exposed the domes while the erosion-resistant granite largely stayed in place.

Is conduit required for basement electrical outlets?

Conduit is not required for residential electrical IF THE WIRING IS BEHIND THE WALL. If it's exposed wiring, you'll need to use conduit.

How old is enchanted rock?

Enchanted Rock is estimated to be around one billion years old. It formed underground as a large blob of molten magma that solidified and was later exposed through erosion.

Which one is cheaper PVC conduit or emt conduit?

PVC is cheaper but is used differently. PVC is usually baried in ground and emt usually runs exposed. You can use PVC exposed if it is schedule 80 gray PVC electrical conduit. Schedule 40 is for under ground

How did Stone Mountain form?

Stone Mountain formed from a granite pluton that solidified underground around 300 million years ago. Over time, erosion exposed the granite, resulting in the distinct dome-shaped structure we see today.

What is electrical raceways?

an exposed conduit used for carrying electrical wires/cables

What is difference between cleat and conduit wiring?

Cleat wiring is exposed while in conduit wiring the wires are well protected inside tubes/pipes.

What rock has erosion?

Any rock that is exposed to it.

What has been the effect of erosion in the Ural Mountains?

Erosion has exposed many valuable minerals.

What kind of DIY projects can a conduit elbow be used for?

Conduit comes in many styles and is used to run electrical wiring in exposed locations in and around your home. It may be a basement, garage, barn, laundry areas, and also exposed areas.