

What is a magnetic crane?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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14y ago

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The crane itself isn't magnetic. The attachment that either couples to the boom clevice or cables. The power is supplies via generator.

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Q: What is a magnetic crane?
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What do you call a vehicle that lifts metal with a magnet?

A magnetic crane.

What is electromagnetic crane?

it is a crane no its an electro magnetic crane An eletromagnetic crane is a crane that has a giant magnet to pick up things with cobalt, nickel or iron in them. The magnet is run through electricity so you can turn it on and off at will.

What would likely happen to the car's magnet domains if it was suddenly dropped from a crane?

if the car drops and magnetic domains droop 2 from the crane then the car wont have any domains in the car because of the crane duhh lls :) yeaahh thats all but thats the answer.

How does a crane use electromagnet?

A crane or junkyard crane uses an electromagnet to pick magnetic items up. The crane controls the electromagnet by using a a circuit that has a wire wrapped around a piece of metal that can be magnetized that's at the end of the crane's arm. When the circuit completes, the metal at the end of the cranes arm gets temporarily magnetized. When the current stops, the metal get demagnetized and can't pick things up anymore.

It is a A crane?

Whooping crane, Indian sarus crane and sandhill crane are crane species. Additional crane species include demoiselle crane, red-crowned crane and the common crane.

How do you beat magnetic man in poptropica?

You need to jump onto the crane and turn the magnet off at the very top. It will drop a fridge on him and he'll throw it at you and you'll end up at the start and he will be throwing cans. Then climb up the crane again and turn the magnet back on and it will crush him.

What form of magnetism must be used when constructing a magnetic crane?

Electro Magnets are the controllable type of magnet used. It may be possible but not practical to use rare earth magnets.

How is electromagnet the same as permanent?

An electromagnet is only magnetic while current is flowing through the coils. A permanent magnet is always magnetic, and does not need electricity. An example of an electromagnet at work is in a metal scrape yard, where a large electromagnet is used by a crane operator to lift ferrous metals into a crusher (scrapped cars, for instance). The metal drops into the crusher when the electricity is switched off by the crane operator. Therefore, they are only really similar when both are magnetised.

What are other names for ship crane?

Derrick crane, derrick, hoist, Scotch crane, jib crane

Where is the Crane County Library in Crane located?

The Crane County Library is located in Crane, Texas.

Where are Andy's children?

Eleanor crane , Annabel crane and Elizabeth crane

What is a Male Crane?

crane. That's all. It's called a crane.