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stag beetle

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Q: What is a male insect with large mandibles called?
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Insect with large tentacles?

There aren't any known insects with large tentacles. However, the male dobsonfly appears to have tentacle-like structures coming out of its mouth. Although male dobsonflies have large mandibles, they are harmless since they are too weak to break human skin. However, the females' smaller mandibles are capable of delivering a painful bite.

Do dobsonflies bite?

Male dobsonflies do not bite because their mandibles are too large for them to have control and therefore break human skin. Female's mandibles are longer though. They can then bite humans. (A very painful bite.)

What is Stag beetle's scientific name?

Stag Beetles belong to the family Lucanidae, which comprises around 1,200 species. The common name is derived from the shape of the male's large mandibles, which look not dissimilar to the antlers of stags.

What is a male cook in a large hotel called?

He is the chef

What is a male dog?

it is a a large or small dog it is called a dick

Can male stick insects lay eggs?

A male stick insect will not lay eggs. However, a female stick insect is parthenogenetically, and can lay eggs without mating with a male.

Why is a male dinosaur called a bull?

A male dinosaur is called a bull because of its large size and because these animals were thought to be aggressive. The term bull is used to describe male elephants and male cows as well as male dinosaurs.

Does a male stick insect lay eggs?

yes it does!

How does reproduction occur in a flower?

The pollen of a male male flower is transported by a bumble bee or some other insect. The insect lands in a female flower and leaves the pollen behind.

What is the name of male insect called?

There are hundreds of thousands of species of insects. However, some insect males are called bulls, boars, and bucks. Some do not have specific gender names.

Large-mouth bass or large mouth bass?

Largemouth bass.

What is the femininie of mosquito?

In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female. The noun mosquito is a common gender noun, a word for a male or a female insect. There are no gender specific nouns for a male or female mosquito, they are called a male mosquito or a female mosquito.