

What is a male to female transsexual?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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A person who is assigned male at birth, but identifies as a woman.

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What are transsexual girls?

A transsexual girl is a girl born into a male body.Transsexual female, transsexual girl, transsexual woman, transwoman, Male-to-Female. A woman who was born in a male body despite her female brain.A transsexual woman is a normal, mainstream woman who was wrongly born with male parts and features and who desperately needs them gone.

Can a transexual get pregnant?

If a female to male TS man hasn't had surgery yet, then yes. If it is a male to female transsexual (a transsexual woman), then no, since they can never have female internal organs.

Is it possible for an illegal female to marry a male to female transsexual who hasn't changed her birth certificate and how?

If the male to female transsexual is still legally male and not yet legally female then yes. You'd marry the same way a man and woman would as long as the other person is still legally male.

What is basic difference between male and she-male?

A she-male is normally a reference to a transsexual with male genitalia and female breasts.

Do transsexual men have a period?

Whether transsexual men (female-to-male) have periods depends on if they are taking hormones or have had surgery. If they are taking testosterone, they won't menstruate. If they have had surgery, they certainly won't menstruate.If you are misusing the term "transsexual men" to refer to male-to-female transsexual persons, no, transsexual women won't ever menstruate, since they were born lacking ovaries and a uterus.

Do transsexual women have periods?

male to female? I have to say no, she will not have what's needed to have a period.

What are the signs of a woman being transsexual?

A woman being transsexual.. Do you mean a Female-to-Male, or Male-to-Female? IS it her body that is female or her brain? Aye that does not matter. Any transsexual person shows signs of being the other gender early in life. At 5-7 years old the person discovers and tries becoming themselves, whether or not "themself" matches their bodies.

Explain the term secondary male to female transsexual?

You need counseling first before surgery.

Can a transsexual make a girl pregnant?

A transsexual woman, who is a woman born into a male body, can impregnate a girl if she still possesses her male genitalia, and has not been rendered infertile by estrogen and anti-androgens. Since transsexual men are born with female genitalia, they cannot impregnate women.

How does a female transsexual give HIV to a male?

Having unprotected sex, by he sucking her penis and coming in his mouth.

How many transsexual men are there?

Estimates on the actual number of transsexual men seem to hover around a 3 to 1 ration of transsexual women (born male, gender is female) vs transsexual male (born female, gender is male) and it is estimated that there are about 400,000 transsexuals worldwide. It appears to be more prevalent in Western countries, but in general that is because there are less deaths by coming out there. Murder still occurs, often, but not as much as in 2nd and 3rd world countries where any gender variance is punishable by death.

Is Kimber James a girl?

in a way, yes. she is a transsexual. she used to be a male, but now goes as a female. she still has her penis.