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Heterochormia - Its caused by their genes.

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Q: What is a name for a dog that has 2 different eye colors?
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Related questions

How do dogs get two different eye colors?

It is not wrong for a dog to have two eye colors It just their way of life

What does it mean when a dog has different colors in the same eye?

It means that one eye is sorta blind

What does a dog have in its eye that allows a dog to see colors?

Rods and cones

How can you have several colors in one eye?

You have different pigments in the eye.

How can eye contacts have different colors?

Yes! It can have many designs and colors!

Do Neji and Hinata have different eye colors?


How does the eye perceive different wave lengths?

as different colors

Do you see differently through different eye colors?

do people with different eye colour see differently

Why do you have different skin colors?

Everybody has different pigments, which gives us our skin, hair and eye colors.

Can a baby have blue eyes if father has brown eyes and mother has blue eyes?

It is very possible to have a blue eye child if both parents have different eye colors. It's also possible to have kids that have different eye colors.

Can two same breed hamsters have different eye colors?


What rock star has two different eye colors?

David Bowie