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A buffer state is a nation that lies between two potentially hostile powers, serving as a kind of neutral zone that helps to prevent direct conflict between the two larger nations. Buffer states often navigate delicate relationships with their powerful neighbors to maintain peace and stability in the region.

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Q: What is a nation tha lies between two potentially hostile power?
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What is it called when 1 nation controls a weaker nation?

This is called imperialism. Imperialism occurs when a stronger nation extends its power and influence over a weaker nation, often taking control of its political, economic, and social aspects.

What does federalism look like?

Federalism is a system of government in which power is divided between a central authority (federal government) and individual states or provinces. Each level of government has its own sphere of authority and responsibilities, as outlined in the constitution. This allows for a balance between national unity and regional autonomy.

What is the difference between two-party system and multi-party system?

A two-party system is a political system where two major parties dominate the political landscape and typically compete for power. In contrast, a multi-party system is a political system where multiple parties compete for power and representation, leading to a more diverse political landscape and potentially requiring coalition governments to govern effectively.

What is a Policy of expanding a nation's boundaries is called?

A policy of expanding a nation's boundaries is called imperialism. This involves a country extending its power and influence through military force, diplomacy, or economic means to control territories beyond its borders.

What is the difference between federal and provincial?

Federal refers to the entire country or nation, while provincial refers to individual states or regions within a country. In a federal system, power is shared between the central government (federal) and regional governments (provincial). Each province typically has its own government and authority over certain areas such as education and healthcare.

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The cause of conflict between nations is because Europe wanted to expand there nation and it often brought conflict with another nation (or power)

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Proverbs 29:2.

When did China become a high power nation?

I'm not sure, but China will be the new Power Nation soon. Maybe in 2020.