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It was a successful tactic by the Union Navy to blockade the Southern ports, so that the Confederacy could not export its plentiful cotton in exchange for war-supplies.

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Q: What is a naval blockade in civil war?
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What part did naval forces play in the civil war?

The union blocked the confederacy by using a naval blockade.

Which part did the naval forces play in the Civil War?

Primarily blockade duties.

What was used by the North during the civil war to limit South's trade?

The Naval blockade

What was used to close city ports during Civil War time?

Union naval blockade

What happened to the southern economy as result of the of civil war?

The American Civil War, widely known in the United States as simply the Civil War and established a naval blockade that crippled the southern economy.

What happened to the southern economy as result of the civil war?

The American Civil War, widely known in the United States as simply the Civil War and established a naval blockade that crippled the southern economy.

What happened to southern economy as a result of civil war?

The American Civil War, widely known in the United States as simply the Civil War and established a naval blockade that crippled the southern economy.

What happened to the southern economy as the result of the civil war?

The American Civil War, widely known in the United States as simply the Civil War and established a naval blockade that crippled the southern economy.

What is a word from the civil war starts with the letter N?

Nationalism, naval blockade, northern, nullification, Nashville campaign

Which strategy of the North was very effective in starving out the south during the civil war?

The Naval blockade of Southern ports.

Was the 2 weaknesses of Confederates during the civil war?

Having to recruit from a much smaller population. Success of the Union naval blockade.

How did the south challenge the blockade that Abraham Lincoln made?

Abraham Lincoln created a naval blockade to prevent the south from being able to take part in trading activities. This was an attempt by the president to bring about a peaceful end to the Civil War. The south challenged the blockade by building torpedo boats to attack the naval ships involved in the blockade.