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Q: What is a negative effect of cohesion?
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What is a negative effect of cohesion in the Vietnam War?

It gave a bad outward look on society of western Polynesia.

Why would the media have a negative effect on community cohesion?

Because they could report on issues where there was no community cohesion. This could promote being against community cohesion. Also, some papers have separate sections like "Asian Image" when the whole paper itself should be for everyone.

What does negative cohesion mean?

The best example of negative cohesion is using Hitler. Hitler originally gained his support no because people were attracted by his ideas, but because they had the same dislikes or fears. Hitler gained support because some shared the Nazis fears/dislikes like communism which is negative cohesion. The saying my enemies enemy is my friend is a saying about negative cohesion. So basically when people support each other because they share dislikes, not necessarily agree with their ideas.

What effect does soap have on cohesion and surface tension?

it eats it up

What effect does cohesion produce where water and air meet?

Cohesion, or the attraction of water molecules to other molecules through intermolecular bonding, produces the effect of surface tension at the water/air boundary.

What is one effect of the cohesion of water?

The salt that forms in ocean water

What is ones effect of waters stickiness or cohesion?

please answer immediatley thanks

Is pollute is a negative or positive?

negative effect negative effect

Does a roller coaster have a negative or positive effect on the brain?

Negative effect on the brain.

What Is The Negative Effect Of Evaporation?

A negative effect of evaporation is that the liquid turns into gas.

Do you think That cultural diffusion has a positive or a negative effect?

it has a negative effect cause all things are negative no matter what this is a life answer trust me

What is negative cohesion?

Negative cohesion is when two political parties are not interested in the same thing or idea, but in the end work together because they fear the same things. An example of this is when the Nazis and rich businessman in Germany were both afraid of Communists and their idea of equality. This was how the Nazis, led by Hitler at that time, gained a huge number of votes.