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A person who doubts the existence of a supreme being or beings is agnostic. A person who denies the existence of a supreme being or beings is an atheist.

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A person who is non-religious is someone who does not adhere to any particular religious beliefs or practices. They may identify as atheist, agnostic, or simply as someone who does not follow or subscribe to any religious traditions.

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It varies from person to person. Generally, however, non religious people are not for war.

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That person is a non-Christian.

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a non religious person is aAtheism:"The term atheism comes from the Greek word atheos, meaning godless. Atheos is derived from a, meaning "without," and theos, meaning "deity". so that's what a non religious person is called i put a definition to

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A non-religious person may explain conscience as a sense of inner moral compass that guides their actions based on personal values, empathy, social norms, and reasoning. It is shaped by upbringing, education, experiences, and an understanding of right and wrong that is not necessarily tied to religious beliefs.

What does it mean to be non-religious?

Being non-religious means not adhering to any particular religion or belief system. Non-religious individuals may identify as atheist, agnostic, or simply have no affiliation with organized religion. They often base their views and decisions on reason, evidence, and personal values rather than faith or dogma.

If you do not have a religion what are you called?

Non-religious. A person who does not believe in God is called an atheist. A person who doubts the existence of God is called agnostic.

What is the difference if you are religious you are good and if you are not religious you are bad?

A:The difference is prejudice or pride, depending on the context. Of course, religious and non-religious people are equally capable of being good and equally capable of being bad. But a minority of religious people do not see it like this, believing that religious people are inherently good and non-religious people are inherently bad. That view in itself is bad, or in religious terms, a sin - either the sin of prejudice or the sin of pride. These are sins a non-religious person is unlikely to commit, at least in this comparison.

What is balancing religion and everyday life?

Even if you are a very religious person, in most cases you will have to devote some of your time and efforts to non-religious aspects of your life.

Is Eric Bledsoe a christian?

No, he is non-religious, but not belonging to an organised religion does not mean that a person is not spiritual or does not believe in God.