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baby polar bear cubs are off white not exactly white but more of a cream

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Q: What is a polar bear's egg color?
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What color noses do polar bears have?


Is there more then one color of polar bears?


What kind of reproduction do polar bears use?

polar bears reproduce sexually which mostly uses egg and sperm equals a baby

Why do polar bears have whitish-color fur?

Camoflage ?

What color are the bears at the north pole?

White; polar bears live in the Arctic Circle.

How is a polar bear born with an egg or from a mom?

Polar Bears are mammals, and give live birth to usually one or two cubs.

What is the usual color for a polar bears eyes?

black or blue

Are polar bears covered in fur and how many legs do they have?

Oh yes, polar bears are covered in fur, which is white in color. They have four legs.

What color do polar bears coats turn with age?


What is the color of Snow Bear?

The Snow bears in the book by Jan Brett were white. Polar Bears are white.

When do polar bears turn pink?

because a Polar Bears fur is not actually white it is the suns reflection on the bear that makes it look like that

What color is the biggest bear?

The white polar bear is the largest of all bears.