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They, in themselves, do not slow global warming. What optimistically happens is that since they are more efficient, then the need for producing more electrical energy is reduced, and that is what may slow down global warming.

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13y ago
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9y ago

Household items produce greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide) if they directly burn anything. So these include:

Coal, oil, gas, or wood-burning fires, heaters, furnaces or stoves,

incinerators that burn anything, including rubbish,

Toasters, if you ever burn your toast.

Any items that use electricity are responsible for greenhouse gases when the electricity was generated. If this was by burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) then greenhouse gases were produced. If the electricity was generated from a renewable source, like hydroelectricity, then very little greenhouse gases were produced.

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15y ago

the invention of the car has had the biggest impact on global warming.also coal plants.

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10y ago

Any of the fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). When burnt they release carbon dioxide which is the main cause of global warming.

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How does global warming affect landforms?

Global warming will increase the size of deserts.Rising sea levels will submerge some landforms.

What are the worst fears of scientists who write about global warming?

There are many fears of scientists who write about global warming. Ozone depletion, floods, warming etc are some of them.

How is the structure of the ozone related to global warming?

Because it blocks out some of the UV rays and blocking some of those rays keep some heat from commig in so, that is less heat that the green house gasses can absorb

Some scientistis hypothesize that cutting down trees is adding to global warming which may be caused by the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere why might this be?

Cutting trees can cause global warming. Trees absorb carbon dioxide that is causing our greenhouse effect to get stronger.

How can global warming cause colder winters?

Global Warming may or may not cause colder winters. Global warming refers to a climate change whereas colder winters are yearly weather patterns. On average the Climate and the World is warming up. It is a fact that the average temperatures are hotter than twenty or even ten years ago. So, whether you blame it on humans or natural cycles, global warming is happening. However, the colder winters we have had the past few years are possibly imperfections in global warming and may end soon. Also, some places are affected differently at different times. For example, the East had record snowfall this past winter, but other places had record heat this past winter. So yearly weather patterns can sometimes cause colder winters.

Related questions

Does polythene paper cause global warming?

Polythene paper has not been implicated as a major cause of global warming, although like all products that we manufacture, it does have some carbon footprint.

What are some effects human have on weather?

humans cause global warming and pollution

What are some of the cause of desertification?

deforstration,ie,cutting the forests,global warming,

What are some man-made causes of global warming?

In nearly everything that we do we are the cause of global warming such as driving a car, turning on a light, or even the smoke from factories.

Can global warming cause hurricanes?

If it can, we have not seen them developing as of yet. The number of hurricanes has risen slightly, but the strength and intensity has been shown to have decreased over the past several decades.

Who caused global warming?

humans cause global warming, because they are the ones who mainly pollute or use to much hot water, The main point is humans cause global warming

How car affect on your ecosystem?

Some believe fossil fuel emissions cause "Global Warming".

What are some causes and effects of glacial melting?

Cause: Global Warming Effect: Glacier Melting

Why does global warming decrease temperatures?

True global warming does not decrease temperatures. So, either the model for global warming's effects is hokus-pokus, or global warming as presently claimed, does not exist. Some global warming followers will have you believe that global warming makes the weather "act crazy". If true, then it is not really global warming, is it.

How may the increase of air pollution in the Earth's atmosphere cause global warming?

Air pollution would not cause global warming. Pollution of our air is rarely done with colorless gases. Sulfur Dioxide, for example has some color. These gases would cause an effect called global dimming. This increases the albedo effect and would cool the planet. Water vapor and CO2 cause the warming our planet. Most of this is very natural (over 99%). The addition of CO2 to our atmosphere is believed to cause some level of warming.

What counties cause global warming?

They are all helping it, as every country uses some type of technology.

What is a hypothesis and what are some examples?

Increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide might cause global warming.