

What is a recipe for coal?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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8y ago

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use the following ingridients:

one egg, 2 tbs. of corn syrup, 2 cups of flour, and black food coloring.

mix all together and cool in freezer for 6 hours.

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Q: What is a recipe for coal?
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The coal miner mines coal from the coal mine.

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A coal holder is typically referred to as a coal scuttle or a coal hod. It is a container specifically designed for holding and carrying coal for fuel.

Do coal miners mine for coal?

Yes, coal miners work in coal mines to extract coal from the ground. They use heavy equipment to dig tunnels and remove coal from deposits in the earth.

Which is the finest quality coal?

Anthracite is considered the highest quality coal due to its high carbon content and low ash and sulfur content. It produces a clean and hot flame, making it ideal for heating and cooking applications.

How much coal could a coal cart cart if a coal cart could cart coal?

A coal cart could typically carry around 2-3 tons of coal, depending on its size and capacity.

What is another name for bituminous coal?

Another name for bituminous coal is soft coal.

What does bituminous coal?

Bituminous coal is a type of coal known for its high carbon content and energy value. It is widely used in electricity generation, steel production, and industrial processes due to its relatively high heat content compared to other types of coal. Bituminous coal is formed when heat and pressure are applied to organic matter over millions of years.