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The answer to this common crossword puzzle question about China is "Pagoda"

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Q: What is a religious building of the Far East especially a multistory Buddhist tower erected as a memorial or shrine?
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What is A religious building of the Far East especially a multistory Buddhist tower erected as a memorial shrine?

The answer to this common crossword puzzle question about China is "Pagoda"

What was a multistory building divided into crowded appartments?

A multistory building divided into crowded apartments was a tenement.

What is a multistorey structure or building?

A multistorey building (US multistory) is a building with two or more levels.

What is pagoda design and function?

A pagoda is like a temple to be used for worshipping, sacrificing, and praying.

What do you call a multistory building with open ground floor?

Framed Structure

Who made the first multistory concrete cement building in Britain?

Francois Hennebique in 1898 building a factory in Swansea.

How much does a multistory building weigh?

The weight of a multistory building is based upon factors such as height and its construction materials. The World Trade Center towers weighed some 1.5million tons total to give an idea of weight and height.

Who built the first two-story house?

Believe it or not the Romans. The ancient Romans invented concrete and then the arch and with these two things they were able to have multistory buildings. Near the Roman forum they had the first multistory shopping mall. They also had multistory apartment buildings. Of course, the biggest example that all of know of a multistory building is the Colosseum .

What are the everyday duties of a civil engineer in a multistory building site?

civil engineer takes big bamboo from seniors and put it into the back of juniors.

What are Buddhist's holy building?

Buddhists worship in a 'pagoda.'

What is a Buddists Holy building?

Buddhist monks live in a moneastry.

How did Prince Shotoku help spread Buddhism in Japan's?

Prince Shotoku helped spread Buddhism in Japan by building a grand Buddhist temple and by writing commentaries on Buddhist teachings.