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I have a chart on my wall and if my child is good i add a sticker on if she gets 7 ( that's how old she is) we will go Bowling or the cinema, she particularly likes having friends for tea and then they sleep, if she is bad i take a sticker of and she is not allowed on her DS for 1 hour or she will not be allowed to her friends for 1 hour.

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10y ago

A person can reward a child for a job well done many ways. For instance, If a child completes a household chore they can be rewarded with a sticker, extra t.v. time, pick a prize, or other fun and exciting treats. Kids enjoy earning treats and rewards for a job well done.

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6y ago

Any reward is possible. According the discoveries of B. F. Skinner reward for desirable behavior is the only form of modeling behavior (X punishment).

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Q: What is a reward for good child behavior?
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Should you give McDonalds to your child after he has been badly behaved?

No, you are rewarding bad behavior. If you want a child who listens, follows your lead you do not need to reward bad behavior.

What is behavior learned during life?

The behavior of someone that is growing up is from whoever is around them if there is bad behavior the child will grow up and have bad behavior if there is good behavior the child will grow up with good behavior.

what was boy reward for his good behavior?

rewards can be snacks the boy loves or a toy that he wants

How to Reward Kids on their Good Behavior?

As a parent or caregiver, rewarding kids for their good behavior is a crucial way of reinforcing positive actions and encouraging them to continue behaving well. While some parents might think that rewards have to be expensive or materialistic, there are various ways to reward kids without spending a fortune. Here are ten effective ways to reward kids for their good behavior. 1 - Verbal praise 2 - Create a reward chart 3 - Quality time 4 – Privileges 5 - Small gifts 6 - Token system 7 - Thank you notes 8 - Special outings 9 - Family game night 10 - Extra responsibility 1 - Verbal praise Verbal praise is one of the most effective ways of rewarding good behavior. When children are praised, they feel appreciated and valued, which encourages them to keep up their positive behavior. Praise can be as simple as telling a child, “Good job” or “I’m proud of you” when they do something right. 2 - Create a reward chart Reward charts are an effective way of encouraging good behavior consistently. A reward chart can be as simple as a sheet of paper that tracks the child's progress toward a specific goal. The chart can be decorated with stickers, stamps, or smiley faces, which the child can earn for displaying positive behavior. When the child earns a specific number of stickers or smiley faces, they can be rewarded with something they enjoy, like a toy or a favorite snack. 3 - Quality time Spending quality time with kids is another effective way of rewarding good behavior. It shows children that their positive behavior is appreciated and encourages them to continue behaving well. Quality time can involve engaging in activities that the child enjoys, such as playing a game, visiting a museum, or taking a walk in the park. 4 – Privileges Privileges are an excellent way of rewarding kids for their good behavior. For instance, you can allow the child to stay up later than usual or choose what they want for dinner. The privilege should be something that the child values and only given when they have displayed positive behavior. 5 - Small gifts Small gifts can also be a way of rewarding good behavior. The gift can be something as simple as a sticker or a small toy, which the child can receive for displaying positive behavior. It is essential to ensure that the gift is appropriate for the child's age and interests. 6 - Token system A token system involves giving children a token, such as a marble or a coin, for displaying positive behavior. When the child earns a specific number of tokens, they can exchange them for a reward. This method is particularly useful for reinforcing good behavior that needs to be consistently reinforced. 7 - Thank you notes Thank you notes are a simple yet effective way of rewarding good behavior. Parents or teachers can write notes to children who have displayed positive behavior, thanking them for their efforts. The notes can be as simple as "Thank you for being kind to your friend" or "Thank you for sharing your toys." 8 - Special outings Special outings are another way of rewarding kids for their good behavior. The outing can be something the child has been looking forward to, such as a trip to the zoo, a movie, or a theme park. Special outings create lasting memories and encourage children to continue behaving well. 9 - Family game night Family game night is a fun way to reward kids for their positive behavior. Playing games together as a family not only shows that you appreciate their good behavior but also strengthens the family bond. 10 - Extra responsibility Extra responsibility is an excellent way of rewarding kids for their good behavior. It gives children a sense of pride and accomplishment and shows them that they are valued. Extra responsibilities can include taking care of a pet, helping with the cooking, or doing laundry.

What is teacher observation?

It is to observe the child and to get a good understanding of the child's interests and behavior.

What are some ideas for encouraging good behavior in your children while in public?

Rewards. Rewards are the ideal encouragement for good behavior whether it's in public or at home. The reward needs to be important to the child, and does not have to cost money. Some free rewards are an extra story before bed, an extra five minutes at the park, etc. The key is to only give the promised rewards if your child behaved the way you wanted.

What are some ways to punish an animal without abusing it?

im not an animal expert, but i would feed it something that it doesn't like or take some sort of its animal "privelage away". but i would reward good behavior, and not reward bad behavior instead of punishing.

When do you reward gambling risk behavior?


What is your philosophy of behavior guidance?

A good behavior guidance philosophy is to use more reward than punishment. People respond to rewards much more than they respond to punishment.

How is ADHD treated in alternative medicine?

Behavior modification therapy uses a reward system to reinforce good behavior as well as task completion and can be used both in the classroom and at home.

What is it called when someone deserves something for being good?

A reward is given to someone who has been deemed deserving for being or doing something good. A reward system is positive reinforcement for good behavior and is commonly used in raising and teaching children at home and in school.