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Q: What is a sac that stores water in a plant?
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What stores water and waste inside a cell?

It is the vacuole, a sac within the cytoplasm, that stores water inside plant cells. It also stores waste and food.

What stores water and dissolved minerals in a cell?

Vacuoles store water and dissolved minerals in a cell. Vacuoles are sac-like structures that are surrounded by a membrane and are found in plant and fungi cells.

What an organelle for a sac that stores water nutrients or waste products?


What is found only in plant cells and stores water?

The vacuole stores food, water, and enzymes for metabolism. The vacuole can store large amounts of water. The vacuole is important in a plant.

What stores water in a plant cell?

In a plant cell, the vacuole stores water as well as food. The central vacuole stores food and water, but also waste.

What does the vacuole do?

They can be seen protists in water.They remove extra water from cell.

stores water, salts?

A vacuole is a membrane-bound sac that contains water and other substances. You can think of it as the refrigerator of the cell because it stores salts, carbohydrates, sugars, and water.

What are the sac filled with water in a plant cell called?

Swollen cell

What does a vaculoe do?

Its like a storage for the plant. It stores the water for the plant.

What organelles stores water for a plant?

The vacuole. :)

What is water vacuole?

It stores water that the plant cell can use as energy.

What stores food and water in a plant?

they store food in their seeds which also contain their embryos The central vacuole, an organelle inside each plant cell, stores food, water, and waste.