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Q: What is a sea mmmal like a porpoise but with a slender pointed snout?
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What is the difference from poroise and dolphin?

The difference between a porpoise and a dolphin is the shape of the snout. Porpoises have rounded snouts, but dolphin snouts are sort of pointed (not pointed like a bird's beak, just sort of a round angle.)

Does a platypus have a pointed snout?

no its has a bill

What type of snout does a echidna have?

The echidna has a long, pointed snout which is about 7-8cm in length.

What is a meat eating reptile with a pointed snout?

Freshwater Crocodile

What animal is small like a mouse but is black and has a long pointed snout?

YOU! hahahah

What fish has a pointed weapon on its snout?

Of course, the swordfish does. Hence the name SWORDfish.

What Aussie animal that is a mammal with a pouch and a pointy snout?

The Australian marsupial with a pouch and a prominent, pointed snout, is most likely the bilby, which is a type of bandicoot.

What is similar to a porpoise but has a beak-like snout and swims farther from land?

Dolphin and Orca fit this description -and they are both classified as 'toothed whales'.

What does a sea lion use their pointed snout for?

To dig for little animals, or food in the snow.

What type of shark is very uncommon has a long pointed snout and lives in very deep water?


How is a crocodile's snout different from an alligator snout?

they actuly look like the same thing except allagators is flat like and a crocodiles looks like a little bump on the end of his nose area

Why is the platypus's and echidna's snout similar?

The snout of the platypus and the echidna are not similar at all. The platypus has a broad, flat bill which is equipped with sensitive electroreceptors which enable it to detect electrical impulses given out by tiny invertebrates underwater. The echidna has a long, pointed snout which it will push into termite mounds to get to termites, but it has no electroreceptors.