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Sector is the smallest unit on Hard disk identified & addressed by File System.

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Q: What is a sector on a magnetic disk?
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What do you call the subdivision of a track on magnetic disk or optical disk?

A sector

How average time is calculated to read one sector in a magnetic disk system?

Transfer time = revolution time / #sectors per track

What is a parity track?

It's a track (a section of a magnetic disk, or a section of any given storage device that emulates a magnetic disk that uses the the LBA/CHS[Cylinder, Head, Sector]) that the computing device dedicates to store parity data (data to aid in error verification/correction for data that is stored on the disk).

Is a magnetic device used to store information?

It is the magnetic elements in a magnetic disk that are used to store information.

Which year computer use to magnetic disk?

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Use magnetic particles to store items on a disk surface?

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Is floppy disc optical storage?

No. Floppy disks are magnetic media that rely on magnetic polarization to write data to the disk much like a hard drive. Unlike CD media they can be erased by a strong magnet field that effectively scrambles the data tracks.

How does a magnetic disk work?

Digital information is stored in microscopic needles as part of the disk's magnetic coating.

Is floppy disk considered magnetic media?

In a way, yes. The material that makes up the "disk" in a floppy is Mylar, a magnetic substance. Data is stored on the Mylar disk in the form of magnetic charges.

Do hard drives store information magnetically?

Yes, there are some surprisingly strong magnets in the Hard Disk Drive. The read/write "head" also is an electromagnet, and the "platter" (spinning disk) is magnetized, but over all not very magnetic.

The first sector on the disk called the boot sector or record contains the information about how the disk is organized and the file system used?

BOOT record

What is a device that puts information on a magnetic disk?

A disk drive.