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Must you persecute my people?

Perhaps you would prefer to persecute someone else?

Never mind the prosecution, the press will take every chance to persecute me!

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Q: What is a sentence using persecute?
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Use persecute and martyr in a sentence?

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How do I put to persecute in a sentence?

You don't need to persecute the populace any further.

Will you Use persecute in a sentence?

I don't understand why they even try to persecute others.

How would you use persecute in a sentence?

People who gather in a group to persecute any one on the daily basis is to harass.

What does it mean to persecute some one?

It means to accuse or sentence someone.

What is persecute in a sentence?

Hitler's persecution of the Jews led to the murder of millions of innocent people.

What is persecute as a noun?

The dictator intended to persecute those who spoke out against his regime. The word persecute is a verb, and a synonym is torment.

How do you change persecute into a verb?

Persecute IS a verb

Can you come up with a sentence with the word persecute?

today's strident feminists would have been persecuted as witches centuries ago

Is detain a antonym for persecute?

No. Persecute and detain are not antonyms or synonyms.

What is the definition of the word persecute?

To persecute means to subject someone to hostility or ill-treatment, typically because of their race, religion, or beliefs. It involves harassing, mistreating, or oppressing someone based on their identity or beliefs.

What is the word persecute etymology?

What is the etymology of the word persecute its for my language homework