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They can be called a series.

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Q: What is a sequential numbers dates times or text called in Excel?
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Does Excel stores dates as sequential serial values?

Yes it does, for dates from the 1st of January 1900, but not before that.

Does Excel store dates and times using text?

No. Dates and times are stored as numbers in Excel.

By default where does the Excel aligns values?

Text will align to the left and numbers and dates align to the right.

Which Excel feature can be utilized to only allow the input of certain data such as dates times or numbers?

Validation is the feature that can limit what is entered into cells in Excel.

Why are dates right-aligned within a worksheet cell by default?

Excel right aligns dates within a worksheet because it treats dates as numbers.

What are the types of cell content in Excel?

You can have text, numbers, dates, times, Boolean (True/False) and formulas.

What MS Excel stores?

It stores data. Mainly that data is numbers, but it can also be text, dates or logical data. Excel also stores the formulas that are entered and the formatting of data that is entered.

Why does the date display as a number in the Display Formulas sheet in Excel?

Dates are actually stored as numbers in Excel, so you are seeing exactly how it is stored, rather than how it looks with its formatting applied.

What is the default alignment style in excel?

For text it would be left-aligned. Numbers, dates and times are normally right-aligned.

What does entering data on Excel mean?

It means typing something as text, numbers, dates etc. into a cell, but excludes typing in formulas.

What are the two types of value entries in Microsoft excel?

valueslabelsformulafunctionYou could say text, numbers and dates.

What is ascending in Excel?

Ascending is an order in which things can be sorted. Ascending would be going from A to Z or lowest to highest numbers or earliest to latest dates.