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Validation is the feature that can limit what is entered into cells in Excel.

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Q: Which Excel feature can be utilized to only allow the input of certain data such as dates times or numbers?
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The Fill feature can do that.

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The Auto Filter option.

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This feature is called Excel Slicers. See related links.

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The Sort feature.

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Bullets is not one of the major parts of Excel?

Bullets are not a feature of Excel. They are found in other applications. They have no use in Excel.

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By using the Autosum feature. Select the cell below the last number and click on the Autosum and it will automatically total the numbers in the column.

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Yes. Excel can display numbers as percentages. Do you have a question?

Is Excel better than Numbers?

The general opinion is that Excel is better than Numbers.

What feature that enables Excel to create a series automatically?

The Fill Series feature allows you to do this.