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Even though the shark uses both its eyesight and its sense of smell to hunt prey, neither one of those senses alone would lead it to enough prey to sustain its voracious appetite. The shark's eyesight is not very keen, and even though its sense of smell is good, smells do not travel well under water. As a result, these senses do not provide the shark with enough range to effectively hunt for prey. How, then, does the shark find enough prey to satisfy its appetite? The shark has two highly developed means of searcher for prey. A shark has a very sensitive vibration detector and an even more sensitive electrical field sensor.

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Q: What is a sharks most sensitive means of finding prey?
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To protect their eyes from being injured or getting debris in there. Most sharks actually do this, not just white sharks. Or have a protective film that covers their eyes like an eyelid. Also they do this while feeding as well as fighting. The best answer that marine biologists have come up with is that sharks eyes are very sensitive and by rolling them back it protects them from what might hit their eyes.

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