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Chinese Horse and Sheep are a good pairing. They enjoy many of the same things and know how to spice things up for each other. Their main problem is Sheep prefers to stay at home where it is quiet and Horse likes to be out having a good time. Sheep, unlike many other people, is happy to allow Horse a little leeway here. Horse in turn will make grand gestures that literally keep Sheep breathless. Sheep feels cherished and adored, which keeps them happy. They can create a wonderful life for themselves.

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Q: What is a sheep horse?
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No, a ram is a male goat or sheep.

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It depends on how many sheep there are, one sheep doesn't eat as much as one horse

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Horse, sheep, are two examples.

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the sheep is, yes, but the horse was origianally not. now, some horses are and some arent, but the wild horses are becoming extinct while the domestic are growing in population

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The animals were cattle, sheep, goats, cows.

Can a sheep live happily with a horse without other sheep?

Horses and sheep can definatley live in the same field together, and wouldn't bother each other at the slightest. I had a 3 horses that lived with a herd of sheep before, and they all got on great!