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Q: What is a single brief jerky muscle contraction called?
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Skeletal muscle twitch differs from a tetanic contraction in that?

the muscle twitch is a brief and "jerky" movement, while the tetanic contraction is prolonged and continuous

What is the difference between myoclonus and clonic spasm?

Myoclonic seizures involve an extremely brief (< 0.1 second) muscle contraction and can result in jerky movements of muscles or muscle groups.Clonic seizures are myoclonus that are regularly repeating at a rate typically of 2-3 per second

The very brief moment following stimulation when a muscle remains unresponsive to additional stimulation is called the?

refractory period

Brief delay that occurs between application of the stimulus and the beginning of contraction?

Latent Period

What is a brief advertisement?

A brief advertisement is called a blurb. A brief advertisement is called a blurb.

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What three functional roles in a movement are used to characterize muscle groups Give a brief description of each action?

The three functional roles in a movement that are used to characterize muscle groups are Origin, Insertion, &amp; Contraction (Actions). However my instructor argued that the key word was functional therefore the answer she felt was correct is/was agonists, antagonists, or synergists.

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Asynchronous recruitment of motor units is used to prevent fatigue. While some motor units are active others are inactive. This pattern of firing of motor neurons prevents fatigue while maintaining contraction by allowing a brief rest for the inactive units.

For a brief time after an action potential begins a muscle fiber or neuron cannot generate another action potential This time is called the?

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Is the Golgi tendon tendon organ voluntary or involuntary?

To answer your question in brief, the Golgi tendon organ is an involuntary mechanism that serves to maintain muscle tension and prevent injury. They are groups of fibres that wrap around the tendon, and have type Ib receptors that relay activity back to your brain. Upon activation, they increase their activity, which forces the shut down of the muscle contraction in order to prevent tearing of the muscle from excessive activation.

What is succinylcholine?

It is a drug used to cause a brief period of complete muscle relaxation.

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...A brief bikini? Aerie calls it a boykini.