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A murder-hole or meurtrière .

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Q: What is a slide in a castle which stones or boiling pitch could be poured?
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What are the holes called that are cut into the ceilings of castles through which stones could be dropped on an enemy who managed to penetrate the castle walls?

These are called murder holes. They were used to drop boiling water/oil, stones and other heavy objects on the enemy.

What were the bad points of the battering ram?

It took teamwork, and boiling oil could be poured on the users.

How could you successfully attack a castle?

you can attack an castle lots of different ways e.g. a trebuchet to knock down the walls using stones. L

What does it mean when you have a dream that some one throws hot oil at you?

The real significance of this dream could depend on what sort of hot oil is being thrown. Massage oil could be playful, while cooking oil could be quite painful. There is also the association with vats of boiling oil being poured on attackers from castle ramparts. In a general sense, the hot oil might represent hurtful words being "thrown" at the dreamer.

What is boiling pitch?

Pitch could be a substance like tar derived from petroleum, but during the Middle Ages, it was more likely to be a resin from plants or a creosote tar from the process of making charcoal. It was boiled to make it very hot and fluid, so it could be poured from castle walls on people below, especially men operating a battering ram. It would burn whoever it hit, and could not be wiped off easily, but the worst of the thing was that it would ignite easily, so the men could be set on fire.

Where could a castle wedding be booked?

A wedding planner could tell you where you could book a castle wedding. But some castles available as a wedding venue are Cooling Castle Barn, Berkeley Castle and Leeds Castle all in England.

Why was there a drawbridge in Motte and Bailey castles?

So the normans could pull up the bridge and the rebelling angelo-Saxons couldn't get into the castle. if they got into the castle a cullis gate would close around them, and above them a Norman soldier would pour hot boiling tar over him.

How are trebuchets used?

Trebuchets were medieval siege artillery used to throw heavy stones at castle walls and open a breach through which besieging forces could enter. They could also be used to launch projectiles (or a rotting dead cow in a primitive form of germ warfare) over castle walls to weaken and lower the morale of the besieged.

What are murder holes?

murder wholes where big wholes in the ground used to kill people in the medieval times. the people were but in these holes to either in boiling water or to starve to death. Actually, that's almost completely incorrect. Murder holes were holes from the roofs of castles where defenders poured boiling water or other things of that nature down upon attackers. They were often between two gates, because they could leave the first gate open, and when the attackers moved to the next gate to break it down, they could lower the first one, trapping them inside and making it impossible to escape from the murder holes. They were a huge part of castle defense.

If you poured three liquids (that don't mix completely)into a breaker how could you tell whick is the denest liquid?

immiscible.liquids are runny and can be poured

How do you spell if the stones can talk?

The idiomatic phrase is "if these stones could talk" (or if these stones could speak), meaning that the location was likely the scene of historic occurrences, where most likely the stones have been in place for a very long time.

What is a castle of a noble called?

The castle of a noble was most commonly referred to as a manor, or it could just be called a castle. The entirety of the land could be called a fief, or fiefdom.