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I believe it is a killdeer.

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Q: What is a small bird in Pennsylvania with long legs and a black ring around its neck and a white belly with brown wings and black on the outside feathers its a killdeer?
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Who made the killdeer western arms?

The Killdeer western arms were made by Western Arms Company around 1900. These were rifles that were commonly used in hunting and came with varied specifications.Ê

How does the killdeer draw intruders away from its nest?

By feigning injury, dragging a wing on the ground and screeching. Killdeer are masters at "faking out" intruders. And, if feigning injury doesn't work, they will get really loud, fly around, and sometimes swoop at the intruders.

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What kind of bird is Brown bird with black and white rings around neck ground nester?

Sounds like a killdeer.

How are the killdeer male and female different?

Follow them around, and see which one lays the eggs! :) Males, in general, have more dark feathers around their bills and eyes. Also, their bills are usually thicker near their head and sometimes their heads are shaped a little differently, usually "thicker" in the forehead. The same criteria for sexing adults is also the same for chicks. Behavior wise, adult males tend to be more confrontational towards other killdeer, especially other males. They make the "kill-dee" sounds more than females and are generally more noisy and high strung.

How much is a crocodile in feathers?

The male crodile usually sells for around 789.6 feathers.

What bird has feathers on its head that it can move?

A cockatiel has feathers on its head that it can move around.

How Birds use their feathers as an insulator?

Birds use their feathers as an insulator by fluffing their feathers in winter to trap a layer of air in and around.

How many feathers do an adult penguin have?

It is told that penguins have around 5000 feathers by maturaty and these feathers change completely in a two year cycle

Do ponys really have feathers?

Actually some do. Feathers on horses and pony's are hair that grows around their hoofs.